Pdf File Reader For Mac

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File extension.pub
CategoryDocument File
DescriptionThe .pub file extension is the file extension used by the Microsoft Publisher application which forms part of the Microsoft Office product set. A .pub file can contain images, graphics, formatted text and other objects. The file type is typically used for amateur publishing with professionals opting for higher end file types.
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Technical DetailsMicrosoft Publisher files may contain various elements including images, graphics, formatted text and objects. The file extension has undergone a number of revisions, from version 3.0 for Windows 95 up to the current version 14 used by Microsoft Publisher 2010. A major disadvantage of the file type is its lack of portability. The file type cannot be opened by most other applications, including other Microsoft Office applications such as Microsoft Word. As such it is considered an inappropriate file type for sharing with others. However, it is noted that it is possible to view .pub files using the trial version of Microsoft Publisher.
Associated programsMicrosoft Publisher
Developed byMicrosoft
MIME typeapplication/x-mspublisher
Useful linksMicrosoft Publisher 2010
Microsoft Publisher Trial (To View)
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Download Pdf File Reader For Mac

PDF files are used by companies and even the IRS to distribute documentation and other pieces of information about their products, and Adobe Acrobat Reader is the essential interpreter. Acrobat integrates directly with your Web browser, so if you come across a PDF document on the Web, you can view it directly from within your Netscape. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Mac is the industry standard for viewing, printing, signing and commenting on PDF documents. It's the only PDF viewer available*, which is able to open and interact with all types of PDF content, including forms and multimedia.