Thunderbolt Cf Card Reader For Mac

Thunderbolt Cf Card Reader For Mac

CardThunderbolt Cf Card Reader For Mac

Memory Card Reader For Mac

Here's how to get your non-Camera image/video files to import properly

Sd Card Reader For Mac

The product description warns that this device may only work for images and videos generated by a digital camera. It goes on to say that any random image/video The product description warns that this device may only work for images and videos generated by a digital camera. It goes on to say that any random image/video you have on your computer may not import. That's true, but there's a way to fix it. Here's how: 1. Update iOS device to iOS9.2 or later. 2. Using your computer, create a folder called 'DCIM' to the root of your SD card (or microSD). 3. Copy the images/videos into the DCIM folder. 4. Rename each image/video file like this 'GOPRXXXX', where XXXX is a unique and incrementing number. For example, if you had one JPG file and one .MOV file, name them GOPR0001.JPG and GOPR0002.MOV. Incrementing numbers may not be required, but 'GOPR' + 4 numeric characters are. 5. Safely eject SD card from computer, plug Reader into the iOS device, place SD card into the Reader, and Photos app should open. If you're file naming is acceptable, Import will remain open and allow you to view/import the files. Import and you're done! Note #1: Other common digital-camera file naming conventions will most likely work. Note #2: I've successfully imported several image filetypes: .jpg, .png, .raw. And these video types: .mov, .m4v, .MP4. I am sure many more will work. Also, you can have a mix of filetypes on the SD card simultaneously, and the import will work. For example, import will work with .jpg and .png and .m4v files on the card at the same time. This reader itself deserves 4 or 5 stars. It worked for me with several microSDHC cards of various levels of quality, each using a different SD adapter. However, it's the Photos app I find problematic. The Photos->Import feature requires a strict file structure like the one given above. A file named wookie_wants_cookie.jpg won't import. Why can't it be intelligent enough to accept any filename?

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Sandisk Cf Card Reader

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